A goose engrossed in Eliot, a raven in a quiver over Forster, a crane and heron discussing Woolf and Mansfield. Belonging everywhere and nowhere, momentarily alighting in a garden in Bloomsbury. Watch this migratory menagerie take flight in our open air promenade performance and join them for a choral celebration of those that follow the wind.

First performed at the 2022 Bloomsbury Festival, Flight Patterns wove together stories of conscientious objectors, the price of war, forbidden love and desire. Whilst the text was from early 20th Century writers including Katherine Mansfield, (whose centenary is celebrated this year), Virginia Woolf, Julian Bell, Sidonie- Gabrielle Colette, Willem Elsschot and T S Eliot, the characters experiences and journeys spoke to the audience today. Not only that but the piece had the constant presence of migratory birds visible as the actors moved between human form and bird.

FLIGHT PATTERNS was collaboration between Facing North Theatre and Company Gabrielle Moleta, featuring new music by Tristan Parkes and was first performed by an international company of artists at the 2022 Bloomsbury Festival

Performances to date:

Bloomsbury Festival 2022 - Performed at Malet Street Gardens (The Sunken Garden), London 2022

Photos- Pete Le May

Flight Patterns is performed by an international company of artists whose transformative moments of the animal into human question the timeless challenges of adapting to place, habits and identity. Who are these figures caught in transitory moments? What situations are revealed? What do we learn about the human condition? Responding to, and shedding new light on the pre-existing texts drawn from literary figures of the early twentieth century we take you back in time, whilst opening you up to absorb all that is now- the present.

Photos by Pete Le May